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Author - stephan kotze

Tired of waiting for your filament?


If you want your filament quickly and in singles, you can always order from our sister site rapidfilament.co.za This will show you what is in stock and will be dispatched within one courier cycle

First post

Filament News

Wheh, finally here. working hard on perfecting the extruder and mechanical systems to ensure reliabilty. Shop is up

Testing new materials

3D Printer

Today we tested PVA and nylon for extrusion without success. We will get new nylon more suitable for extrusion this coming week, along with a PolyProp. The PVA failed due to 1) not being baked out, 2)not in…

3d printer up and running

3D Printer

3d printer is finally up and running, it has been quite a journey through hot ends, cold ends, heated beds, nozzle sizes and drive belts.

New materials and developments

Filament News

Great excitement here at filament factory. PLA is finally on the way from China, we now have fluorescent colours as well as Glow in the Dark, a water clear ABS and a new grade of ABS that matches…

Now offering a conversion service for CubeX printers

Cubex Printer

We are now offering a rebuild service for CubeX printer to make them opensource as well as able to use open filaments